Reading through this years (2016) course reports in County Golfer I realised how much the team love playing golf and view golf as an enjoyable game to play with good friends.
Some may feel that their light-hearted, life as it really is, view is not quite up to ‘Masters’ standard of golf but then they don’t play as good as that either. Thinking along those lines I wondered how many in our two counties do play to that standard, and if they do why are they not in the Ryder Cup Team? We must try harder to get to scratch. However, over the past year we have been invited to play and write about golf as a game played for enjoyment. The welcome and hospitality we have received has overwhelmed us. Our reports on some of the countries top 100 courses – St Andrews, Machrihanish, Royal St Georges, Saunton (East) has led to more invites for 2017. We have even played courses that don’t ask you to wear a tie! Some will let you buy a drink in the bar without wearing a trilby or smoking a pipe! Others let you walk on the grass with no levitation required. Some now allow ladies in the clubhouse! Where will it all end? Golf is such a rich set of tapestries. Rules are made, some are broken, rules are changed, some we will never understand. I was once asked to move a yard to the right because I wasn’t allowed to buy a drink in the spot I was standing in, because that was for members only. The barman explained “It’s more than my jobs worth to serve you there” at which point we both moved a yard and he served me! Oh boy. I feel clubs need rules otherwise it will result in mayhem. But there are less rules at St Andrews than there are at some of our counties courses. I’m glad to say that many clubs have relaxed a little whilst still retaining the dignity that playing golf deserves.
So with no inhibitions, consultations, phone in, email, facebook or public/private surveys, here is a completely biased view by the County Golfer team of Lefty, Newby, Fame, Yorkshire Terrier, Spence and Badger of the courses we have played in 2016. You may argue if you wish but these are our rules. If you disagree please explain why in full on the back of a postage stamp!
We’ve had a great years golf and our hearty thanks goes to all the clubs that have made our visits a real treat.
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